Sunday, December 15, 2013

An Adventure!

Well, you could say I took my first real adventure while living in Minnesota yesterday. And I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself! There are a few things in life that I DO NOT LIKE: Alleys, subways/rails, parking garages and curvy on/off ramps. In case you have never lived in Minnesota I can tell you that pretty much EVERY on/off ramp is not only curvy, but it is winter time so they are also snowy/icy/slicker than crap. 

Which leads off my adventure. This is the main reason that I have not ventured out too far because if you go anywhere it usually involves the crazy slick on/off ramps. BUT, I got a ticket to go see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra yesterday and I couldn't not go just because of a billion curvy on/off ramps! Well to my dismay, the final curvy off ramp took me directly into the mother of all parking garages! I did call my mother to tell her I loved her just in case I never came out again! 

(For all wondering, I watch WAY TOO MANY crime shows and everyone always dies in an alley, subway or parking garage....sometime I should tell you about my adventure riding a subway in Chicago then wandering the streets trying to find my hotel while pulling by big ole red suitcase!) 

Anyhow, I digress! The journey was worth it in the end (even though it took me an hour to make it out of the parking garage, and that was only because a nice parking cop stopped the flow of traffic to let me out of my parking spot!)

If you have never seen the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, I can tell you they are phenomenal! I really had no idea what to expect! The band members are amazing, the vocalists are astounding. Basically it was an overall awesome experience that went on for 3 hours!! I'm definitely glad that I faced curvy off ramps and horrifying parking garages to experience this! Hahaha

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

On a New Adventure!!!

So I have never been a blogger...never really planned on being a blogger, but my Aunt suggested that might be a good way to document and let my family and friends share in my New Zealand adventures! So I'm gonna give this thing a shot. If you have any tips or suggestions, let me know cause I am really not quite sure how to do one of these!!! Hahaha but I'm sure gonna give it a shot!