Sunday, January 19, 2014

House Hunting

House sucks! Definitely not in Idaho anymore....Many places don't have fridges or washing machines and NOBODY has clothes dryers. It is crazy! But again the scenery is totally worth the not so awesome things.
Even on a rainy it is absolutely beautiful here. I fell in love with a certain neighborhood here while we were driving around, so hopefully I can find something that area.

Let's just hope that wherever I find a place my new roommate likes our digs! Meet Snickers... He moved in today. I call him Snickers cause I believe is was hiding in a dark corner snickering at me as I tried to find him to evict him..... All well....


  1. We had a lizard once, and we just let him stay because a, we couldn't catch him, and b, they eat spiders. lol

    1. Mimi tod me they had one too and just waited for you to come and evict that's what I am doing. Hurry UP!
